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Category: Call Center Compliance

101 blogs

Taking on Compliance Concerns

Biometric authentication is already a fact of life for billions of people around the world. They routinely use their faces or fingerprints to activate smartphones, PCs or other personal devices. Hundreds of millions of people with smart speakers are delighted to find that their voice assistant is able to offer personalized responses based on the unique quality of their voices. Opus Research estimates that over half a billion people have already enrolled their voiceprints with their banks, brokers, tax offices and others in order to simplify and accelerate required authentication procedures and carry out their business on trusted communications links.

With Voice Identification, You Know Who’s Calling

Voice Identification, also known as voice recognition or speaker recognition, is a biometric technology that is being adopted by call centers that must authenticate each caller before they can provide service. Voice identification uses the innate biological characteristics of a person’s voice to create a voiceprint that is unique to that person. Its biometric properties make voice identification difficult to spoof. It’s also easier for users who no longer need to remember passwords or the answers to security questions. With voice identification, there is nothing to forget or lose. The authentication is part of the person.
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Change. Adapt. Overcome.

One of the hardest things I’ve ever done is to change jobs. My old job was great, the company was successful, the people were fantastic – but sometimes you need to make a change to challenge yourself. When I sat with my now boss and talked about my future, it was really clear that NICE had a lot to offer. I talked it through with my wife over a glass (bottle) of wine, and after tucking my baby girl into bed I decided to make the change.

How is that MiFID Compliance working out for you?

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or MiFID, is a finance regulation, drafted in 2004 in the European Union. The goal of MIFID was to increase transparency and fairness in trading by establishing a common, robust regulatory framework that assures equal disclosure and equal protection to investors in all EU member countries.

The Future of Biometrics: Reality versus Hype

The use of biometrics has found its way into many aspects of our daily lives and is slowly spreading to places we hardly considered before. The intent of biometrics is to identify a person in a way that is 100% accurate and cannot be stolen or compromised. Some biometrics, such as fingerprint recognition, have been in use for years. Newer biometrics, such as retinal scan and capillary mapping, were only possible once technology advances made these authentication applications feasible.